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Kyzylorda Oblast
2016 2017 2018 3,1 4,6 4,3 34,5 Discharge of pollutants by enterprises - 2018–2019 2018 592 0,03 201 9 1 044 0,9 Therapeutic mud deposits are located in two salt lakes - Kupek and Teresken. The largest oblast river is the Syr Darya, flowing through the central part of the region, southeast to northwest. In 1956, the Kyzylorda Dam was built on the Syr Darya. In the region, there are a number of salt lakes that dry out in summer. Domestic wastewater discharge in 2018–2019 201 8 13 824 12,4 201 9 10 421 5,2 The total oblast land area amounts to 24 million hectares. Category Agricultural land Residential land Land zoned for industrial, transport, communications, defense, and other non-agricultural purposes Protected nature preserves Forestland Surface water lands Undesignated Reserve Land 2018 2 702 729 221 161 6 507 2 248 11 484 2019 2 702 838 253 161 ,2 6 510 2 287 11 290 Distribution of land by category – thousands of hectares - 2018-2019 Monitoring of radioactive gamma contamination of the surface layer of the atmosphere in the oblast was carried out daily at two meteorological stations – the Aral Sea and Shieli – and at three automated monitoring posts gauging atmospheric air pollution in Kyzylorda, Akay, and Toretam. Measurements reveal that the average values of the gamma background, gamma emissions and radioactive fallout in both 2018 and 2019 were within normal limits. Primary pollutant emissions by volume, kilotons - 2018–2019 Substance Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen oxides Suspended solid particulate Carbon monoxide 201 8 2,3 4 4,2 9,9 201 9 2,1 4,9 3,8 9,1 2019 Many populated areas of the oblast lack facilities for wastewater treatment (filtration fields, storage ponds, evaporator ponds), producing a negative effect on the environment. Unfortunately, the issue remains unaddressed. Oil and gas production, thermal power production, construction and motor vehicle exhaust are the principal sources of air pollution in the region. The volume of pollutants in vehicle exhaust is significant. In 2020, there were 112,400 passenger vehicles and 19,700 freight hauling vehicles were registered in the oblast. Monitoring of water pollution levels in the oblast was carried out on two bodies of water: the Syr Darya River and the Aral Sea. Characteristic Class 4 Water source Water quality – Surface bodies of Water in the Oblast - 2019 Suitable only for irrigation and industrial use. Extensive treatment methods are required for household use and as drinking water. Not recommended for recreation and tourism use. No incidents of extremely elevated levels of water pollution were detected in the oblast in 2019. Aral Sea Syr Darya River Emergency and unauthorized wastewater discharges - 2019 2019 53 936 0,8 In 2019, oblast lands produced 5.6 million tons of oil – a reduction of 13% compared to 2018. Production was reduced because of field depletion. To encourage oil production increases in 2019, industry producers invested 78.8 B Tenge in geological studies resulting in a net reduction of expected 2019 losses of 300,000 tons. Further geological studies will continue for the next three years. Regional Subsoil Usage - 2018–2019 Total subsoil enterprises Total enterprises e ngaged in common mineral exploration and mining 201 8 115 63 2019 118 66 Barsakelmes Nature Reserve is the only one in Eurasia where the natural ecosystems of both northern and middle subzonal areas of the Turan Plain are under protection. The area is home to 585 onager, 125 saiga, and 135 gazelles. Area 160 800 hectares 17 900 hectares 13 300 hectares Name Barsakelmes Nature Reserve Torangylsai Nature Reserve (Zoological) Kargaly Nature Reserve (Zoological) Regional natural reserve territory in the oblast covers a total area of more than 190,000 hectares. Regional Nature Reserves 33.6 % of total oblast forestland is covered by saxaul. The region is home to 27 species of fish, over 40 species of mammals and 300 species of birds, including 31 species of animals and birds on the Kazakhstan Red List. There are 145 household waste landfills in the oblast, 10 of which are licensed. In 2019, construction on a new landfill in Aralsk commenced. Solid household waste generation and processing – kilotons - 2018-2019 2018 2019 147 122 7,4 14 Year Volume of generated waste, kilotons Percentage of generated waste sorted & recycled In March 2018, four cases of extremely elevated pollution of the Syrdar River with DDT were recorded. Samples were taken and analyzed every two hours from contaminated locations; lab results showed an excess of sulfates present in the water, all other substances with within normal ranges. DDT monitoring continued at the river for several months following the incident with no further exceedances detected. Satellite imagery covering a 50-kilometer radius around the city of Kyzylorda revealed the presence of 228 spontaneous landfills of which 220 were subsequently cleaned up. Kazhydromet monitored air quality in the city of Kyzylorda and the rural areas of Akay and Toretam. Results from 2019 show an improvement in air quality in the city of Kyzylorde which showed a low level of air pollution. Air pollution levels have remained consistently low in settlements since 2016. Periodic testing of air pollution levels in the oblast with no exceedances of pollution standards observed in either 2018 or 2019. In 2018-2019, a gasification projects were implemented on the left bank of the Syr Darya River in the city of Kyzylorda, and in the industrial zone of the of the town of Shieli. In 2019, work began gasification projects for three district centers - Zhosaly, Zhalagash, and Terenozek – and for the town of Zhaksykylysh in the Aral district. 3.2 billion Tenge were allocated from State and Oblast budgets for the project. Completion is projected for 2020. Year Gas production Gas consumption 2018 1 050 619 2019 911 629 A project aimed at restoring the Aral Sea environmental disaster zone was launched – “P hase Two of the regulation of the Syr Darya River from the upper section of the Aral Sea (RRSAM 2). This significant international rehabilitation program was initiated by the World Bank and a United Nations environmental protection program under the UNDP. In September 2019, a mass extinction of fish occurred on Lake Tokpan sourced from excessive levels of copper sulfates in the water and severe oxygen deficits. In 2019, eight canals were cleaned and repaired to provide local populations with water for irrigation and for the overall improvement of the environmental situation in the region. In 2019, over 700 hectares of distressed land were recultivated in the oblast. Excessive heavy metal concentrations in soil samples, mg/kg - 2019 Kyzylorda Baikonur Akbastar Kulands 23,7 36,8 5 2,5 13,3 8,4 2,7 3 Sampling point Lead (MPC 32mg/kg) 5,3 0,5 0,1 0,1 Copper (MPC 3 mg/kg) Zinc (MPC 23 mg/kg) 1,8 0,8 1,7 2 Chromium (MPC 6 mg/kg) Land seizures for land-use and zoning violations, received into State control, hectares – 2018-2019 2018 2019 25 905 16 214 In 2019, in an effort to reduce soil degradation of the Aral Sea basin, an area of more than 18,000 hectares underwent forest reclamation projects. Oblast fisheries, including the Small Aral Sea and loc bodies of water covered 379 000 hectares in 2019; 372 000 hectares in 2018. 10 lake- based fish farms raising herbivorous fish and carp are in operation in the region. State Budgetary Hunting & Fishing Receipts, millions of Tenge – 2018-2019 2018 2019 150 140 In 2018, the oblast had a total of 38 designated hunting regions covering 8 million hectares. In 2019, there were 40 areas covering nine million hectares. In August 2018, on the coast of the Great Aral Sea, 70kilometers from the village of Kulanda, there was a mass extinction event of mute swans. To determine the cause water and soil samples were taken, and two swan and one wild duck carcass was retrieved for lab testing. Excessive saline levels in water, soil and natural migratory and habitation areas was identified as the cause. The phenomenon was further complicated by molting swans' inability to migrate to other feeding locations. At oblast oil refineries - PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC and Turgai- Petroleum JSC – naturally occurring radionuclides and weak radioactive residue adhere to equipment during the process of subsurface water extraction. In the event of incidents of excessive levels of radioactivity, the contaminated equipment is dismantled and removed to a temporary radioactive waste storage facility for eventual transfer to a radioactive waste disposal site. · landfills for the utilization, processing and temporary storage of industrial waste — 9. Located in the Oblast: · site for temporary storage of low- level radioactive waste — 1, · ash dump — 1, · landfills for industrial waste — 11, More than 5,500 waste containers have been installed in the oblast; 65.6% of oblast residents are provided with waste collection services. Three private companies - Kyzylorda Kagazy, DaZhaEr, and August collect and sort waste paper, cardboard, paper, and plastics. Seven oblast enterprises are engaged in the sorting and storage of mercury bulbs. The company Eco-N Service sterilizes mercury bulbs. In 2019, more than 530 000 tons of rice were harvested in the region, with 47 enterprises operating zero-waste facilities. 29 enterprises transport rice husks to the Turkestan Oblast for use in the production of construction materials and animal fodder; shipments also go to Pavlodar Oblast where the rice husks are used in plastics production. There are 146 cattle burial sites in the oblast. Of these, 75 satisfy and veterinary health and safety regulations and 71 are rudimentary sites. There are 8 mobile and 32 stationary crematoria for animal carcass and biological waste disposal. Plans include the construction of an additional 8 cattle burial sites. Regional industrial waste generation and processing – kilotons - 2018-2019 2018 2019 113 116 43 26 100 Year Volume of generated waste, kilotons Generated waste sorted & recycled, tons The Hydroenergy Company, JSC plans to build a solar power plant with a capacity of 10 MW -19 million kW / h - in the Zhanakorgan district. Construction and installation work is set to begin in 2020. A solar power plant with a capacity of 4.5 kW was installed at the Seitzhanov farm in the Shieli district. In 2019, solar power plants with a capacity of 80 MW began to operate in the Shieli and Zhalagash districts; the plants were constructed with private investments. The draining of the Aral Seas basin and the subsequent salt dust emissions present an enormous problem for the oblast. To address it h , saxaul, and alocnemum Caspian karabarak plantings are conducted in the arid sea basin. In the last 25 years, more than 180,000 hectares of drained seabed have been seeded. The Syr Dar River is polluted. To reduce pollution levels, protected wetlands should be established. In 2019, a water preservation zone was established for sections of the Aral Sea, the Karaozek channel and 48 oblast lakes. In addition, water preservation signage was installed for the Syr Darya River, the Aral Sea, The Karaozek channel and 22 oblast lakes. In rice-growing regions, soil deterioration and groundwater mineralization are the primary issues. To address these, 3 projects worth 160 billion Tenge have been undertaken to restore 158,000 hectares of land. Following the transition of the Kyzlylorda thermal electric station to natural gas, the problem arose of dust from the station's cleared ash dumps. The ash dump at Thermal Electric Station #6 in the city of Kyzylorda located near residential areas and the Syr Darya River requires an extensive restoration project. To address this, the Department of Ecology and Gezhuba Shieli Cement, LLP signed a memorandum of understanding on environmental protection and natural resources. The company will use ash and slag waste for cement production. Environmental safeguards cost to business enterprises ( ) billions of Tenge Air Water L and resources Biodiversity Waste Renewable energy sources Radiation Environmental issues
This interactive report was created by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of the European Commission, the United Nations Environment Programme, and Zoï Environment Network.