ABOUT THIS REPORT The report includes both qualitative and quantitative evaluations of aspects of the natural environment and resources; of the anthropogenic impact on these; and on the environmental situation in the nation's various regions (oblasts) and the implementation of state policy as applied in the fields of environmental protection and the exploitation of natural resources. The National Report employs extensive use of statistical data to characterize the state of the natural environment and how it corresponds to the socio-economic development of regions and the nation as a whole. To further assist our readers, each section of the report employs illustrations depicting the logical developmental sequence that has resulted in the current state of the environment. These demonstrate: This interactive report, submitted for your consideration, is based on official material presented in the official National Report on the State of the Environment and the Use of Natural Resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2018-2019. The report summarizes the state of the natural environment in the country and measures being implemented to improve it. This illustrated interactive report has been rendered in a popular style, in language accessible to a wide range of readers, and draws additionally on material from both governmental and non-governmental sources. This report was prepared with financial support from the European Commission, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Center for the Introduction of New Environmentally Friendly Technologies public foundation; the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); and the Zo Ecological Network. ï The full text of the official National Environmental Impact Report on Natural Resource Management and Use in the Republic of Kazakhstan a is available in Kazakh nd Russian Project Team Project Coordinator and Text Adaptation – Irina Kolchina Web Design & Programming – Alexander Tokarev English translation – Ilja Rákošš Graphic Design – Maria Gulchuk Coordination, Kazakhstan Information and Analytical Center of Environmental Protection – Altinkul Balabayeva Project Coordinator and Editor for the Zo Ecological Network – ï Nickolai Denisov UNEP Coordinator – Tomas Marques М ( ) — measures of social response to the state of the environment aimed at improving it. D ( ) — driving forces Economic and human factors, their current state and level of development and their impact on the surrounding environment. S ( ) — state of the current state of the environment resulting from these factors and conditions. I ( ) — impact of factors that affect the environment, pollutant emissions, use of natural resources. E ( ) — effects of the current state of the environment on people, the economy and the native flora and fauna. HERE Impacts State State Pressures Pressures Drivers Drivers Responses
This interactive report was created by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of the European Commission, the United Nations Environment Programme, and Zoï Environment Network.