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Pavlodar Oblast
Discharge of pollutants by enterprises - 2018-2019 Volume – wastewater discharge – millions m 3 201 8 2 000 201 9 1 847 The total oblast land area amounts to 12 million hectares. Distribution of land by category, thousands of hectares - 2018–2019 Category Agricultural land Residential land Land zoned for industrial, transport, communications, defense, and other non-agricultural purposes Protected nature preserves Forestland Surface water lands Undesignated Reserve Land 2018 5 906 1 753 129,7 357,9 127,5 78,9 4 117 2019 6 196 1 771 130,6 357,9 127,5 78,9 3 809 Monitoring of radioactive gamma contamination of the surface layer of the atmosphere in the oblast was carried out daily at seven meteorological stations in Aktogay, Bayanaul, Yertis, Pavlodar, Sharbakty, Ekibastuz, and Koktobe and at four automated monitoring stations in Pavlodar, Aksu and Ekibastuz. Measurements reveal that the average values of the gamma background, gamma emissions and radioactive fallout in both 2018 and 2019 were within normal limits. Primary regional pollutant emissions by volume, kilotons - 2018–2019 Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen oxides Suspended solid particulates Carbon monoxide 2018 325 105,7 158,5 81,8 2019 330,6 122,1 157,1 93,4 Water source Usolka River Yertis River Lake Zhasybai Lake Sabyndykol Lake Toraighir Class 1 1 >5 >5 >5 Water quality assessment, selected regional water sources - 2019 Nature reserves in the oblast include the lakes Jasybai, Toraigyr, Sabyndykol and Birzhankol, all of which require dedicated management. About Scripture Suitable for all types of use. Highest rated. Non-standardized class. Exceeds all class 5 guidelines. Lowest rated. Domestic wastewater discharge - 2018–2019 Volume – wastewater discharge – millions m 3 201 8 4,2 201 9 4 There are seven reservoirs, 398 lakes, and 130 periodic watercourses and small rivers in the region, of which the most significant are the rivers Shiderty, Olenty, Sileta, Ashchysu, Tundyk, and Karasu. 2016 2017 2018 25,5 21,5 34,6 37,1 2019 Energy generation, metallurgy, mining, oil refining, and chemical industries are the principal sources of air pollution in the region. 64% of all emissions are sourced at thermal power stations, 23% from metallurgical firms, and 4% from oil refining. In 2018-2019, 61 enterprises mineral exploration and mining firms operated in the oblast. The oblast produces significant volume of coal mined by the following major firms: Bogatyr Komir LLP; the EEC, JSC Eastern open pit mine; Maikuben-West LLP; AngrensorEnergo LLP; Gamma Sarykol LLP; Gamma Taldykol LLP. Within the oblast 10 enterprises are engaged in waste collection, processing, and disposal. In Pavlodar, Spetsmashin, LLP processes plastic waste into granules which are then used to produce trash bags, paving slabs for sidewalks and curbs. The Ekibastuzkommunservis, LLP waste collection plant operates a solid waste sorting conveyer with an annual maximum capacity of 40 tons. A sorting line is under construction in the city of Aksu, and Victoria, LLP is already engaged in waste sorting there which is then transported to Pavlodar for further processing. In the Terenkol district, containers and a hand-operated plastic bottle crusher is installed at the district landfill. The site also collects glass containers wastepaper. A sorting line is scheduled to be installed at the landfill in 2020. 200 containers for mercury bulbs, 586 containers for plastic waste and 20 containers for electronic waste have been installed in the oblast. 2,000 containers for sorted waste collection have been installed in educational institutions in the oblast. In 2019, 200 covered “euro containers” were installed in Ekibastuz. In 2019, over 720,000 tons of pollutants were released into the atmosphere in the region; in 2018, slightly more than 709,000 tons. Fixed emission sources - in the region – 2018 2019 201 8 13 997 201 9 13 472 Permits issued for natural gas cylinder installation - 2017-2019 2017 1 310 2018 1 048 Quantity 2019 1 628 Aggregate, by age, motor vehicles in the oblast – 2018-2019 < 6 years 18 532 14 087 6 – 15 years 43 379 44 899 Year 2018 2019 15 - 25 years 49 575 40 360 >25 years 83 647 93 157 Aggregate, motor vehicles in the oblast, by type - 2015-2019 2015 166 026 21 380 2 328 12 051 3 894 205 679 201 6 162 862 21 186 5 143 12 090 3 794 205 075 Mode of transport Cars Trucks/Lorries Buses Caravans Motorcycles TOTAL 2017 158 397 20 843 4 985 12 158 3 705 200 088 201 8 154 177 20 363 4 723 12 276 3 594 195 133 201 9 152 654 19 942 4 532 11 957 3 418 192 503 Oblast urban residential air pollution levels - 2018-2019 City Pavlodar Ekibastuz Aksu 201 8 Elevated level of pollution High level of pollution Elevated level of pollution 201 9 Low level of pollution Low level of pollution Low level of pollution Air pollution assessment in the oblast is conducted at 10 monitoring stations in the cities of Pavlodar, Ekibastuz, and Aksu. There were no incidents of high and extremely high air pollution in the oblast. To inform residents of the cities of Pavlodar and Ekibastuz about air quality, updated information is broadcast on six LED displays throughout the cities. Data from oblast industrial sanitary protection zones - 2017–2019 Number of facilities monitored Number of measurements taken 201 8 19 8 500 201 9 6 5 892 Since 2015, the oblast has been monitoring air pollution levels at the sanitary protection zones of all industrial facilities. 201 7 11 5 000 At the Pavlodar Aluminum Plant, work has begun to replace the electrostatic filtration system in the sintering furnaces shop which will reduce dust emissions by 13%. Eight filters are set to be replaced. Large factories included in the Akimat memorandum are installing automated air monitors. Kazakhstan Aluminum, JSC has installed an optical air quality monitor in its sanitary protection zone which analyzes the air around the plant for the following six substances: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and dust. Beginning in 2021, plans are to gradually introduce similar technology at other plants in the 0blast. To combat air pollution in oblast cities, 156 electric boilers were installed at public facilities which had previously burned solid fuels. The Kanysh Satpayev Canal off the Yertis-Karaganda was constructed to provide water to the cities of the Pavlodar and Karaganda oblasts as well as the Karaganda coal basin. Within the Pavlodar Oblast the canal runs for 275 kilometers. · EEC, JSC Aksu power plant Large regional enterprises divert their waste water to specialized wastewater reservoirs; large regional metallurgical and energy enterprises divert their wastewater to sludge accumulators and ash dumps, which safeguards their seepage into surface bodies of water. Treated wastewater is then released into the Yertis River. · Pavlodar-Vodokanal, LLP. ВОДООХРАННАЯ ЗОНА Nature reserves in the oblast include the lakes Jasybai, Toraigyr, Sabyndykol and Birzhankol, all of which require dedicated management. The largest source of water in the region is the Yertis River, which runs for 720 kilometers within the region and serves as a major source of drinking water. The Yertis is a Class 1 river, its waters suitable for all uses. To provide water to remote settlements, improve fish habitats and develop agriculture, in 2018, the channels of the Tulka River were dredged from its source to the village of Alga. In the region of the village of Karaterek in the Maysky district, the river banks were fortified, the Yertis River channel was dredged which will expand the river's floodplain and subsequently increase yields on floodplain meadows by 40-50%, providing fodder for around 100,000 head of livestock. Excessive heavy metal concentrations in soil samples, mg/kg - 2019 Pavlodar Aksu Ekibastuz Oblast agricultural land 32 30,8 25,9 17,4 23,4 23 20,3 10,1 6 15,8 3 0,17 0,62 0,38 1,8 Maximum allowed concentration Annually in spring and autumn, soil assessments checking for heavy metal soil concentrations in the oblast is carried out. In 2018-2019, assessments were conducted in the cities of Pavlodar, Ekibastuze, and Aksu, and the Aktogay, Zhelezinsky, Irtysh, Kachir, Lebyazhinsky, Maysky, Uspensky and Sharbakta agricultural districts. 6 1,1 6,4 0,11 0,44 Chromium Lead Zinc Copper 2014 157 2015 129 In 2018, there were more than 980 thousand hectares of fallow agricultural land in the oblast, of which 284,500 were put into use and ~ 373,000 were transferred to state ownership. In 2019, there were over 478,000 hectares of fallow agricultural land in the oblast of which 150,000 were transferred to the state and 115,000 put into use. Agricultural land returned to the State, thousands of hectares - 2014-2019 2016 217 2017 232 201 8 140 201 9 150 Common mineral exploration and mining in the oblast - 2018-2019 Sand Sand/gravel aggregate Clay Limestone Salt 2018 2019 331,7 883 40,5 2 169,6 75,5 492,7 756 107 769 399,7 The mining of non-ferrous and precious metals in the oblast is undertaken by Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, Maikainzoloto JSC, and Algold LLP. Mineral waters are extracted by the Moyildy Sanatorium, JSC; Rosa, JSC; and Alga Company, LLP. There are four nature reserves in the oblast: · Kyzyl-Tau Zoological Reserve · Bayanaul National Park · Ertis Ormany Forest · Yertis River National Floodplain Reforestation work carried out in the oblast over the past five years has increased forested area in the oblast by 1,500 hectares. In addition, in 2019, over 30 hectares were reforested on State lands. Roadside planting programs as well as planting programs at schools have been pursued throughout the oblast. In the region, 265 bodies of water utilized as fisheries. Annually, the oblast actively restocks its bodies of water to restore the biodiversity. In 2018, lakes Sabyndykol and Zhasybai were stocked with young carp; in 2019, lakes Birzhankol and Toraigyr were stocked. Year Total area Forested area 2018 478 700 478 700 Total area State forestlands, hectares - 2018-2019 2019 261 600 267 000 2018 2019 Oblast Nature Reserves, hectares - 2018-2019 346 400 Species Goose Eurasian Coot Duck Black grouse Partridge Sandpiper Quail Dove Total 40 000 155 000 902 000 13 000 43 000 84 000 19 000 70 000 Aggregate, selected bird species found in the oblast - 2019 There are 9.4 million hectares of hunting grounds in the oblast, on which 33 hunting plantations are located. There are more than 20 Cultivated animal species and over 60 species of birds living or found in the oblast. 14 species of birds and two animal species native to the region are included in the Kazakhstan Red List. Species Moose Wapiti Spotted deer Boar Wolf Corsac Fox Muskrat Ermine Squirrel Badger Roe deer Hare Fox Marmot Steppe ferret Total 150 250 24 400 170 7000 10 000 1700 10 000 4500 3000 40 000 13 000 13 000 10 000 Aggregate, select animal species found in the oblast - 2019 T wo research complexes belonging to the RSE National Nuclear Center operate in the Masky District: · Baikal-1 reactor research center; · IGR reactor research center. The oblast also has one long- term storage site for spent sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive waste. There are 336 household waste landfills in the oblast, four of which are licensed and compliant with environmental sanitation standards. Regional industrial waste generation and processing – kilotons - 2018-2019 2018 2019 22 23 196,5 200 Year Volume of generated waste, kilotons Percentage of generated waste sorted & recycled Solid household waste generation and processing – kilotons - 2018-2019 2018 2019 8 15 117,3 650 Year Volume of generated waste, kilotons Percentage of generated waste sorted & recycled ЗООПАРК In 2019, as part of the “Subsidies for partial return on investment costs incurred by the agricultural industry” program, more than 720 solar panels were installed in pasturelands and private farms in the region that lack access to the central power supply. For pedestrian-traffic accident prevention in Pavlodar, solar-powered stroboscopic crossing signals were installed at pedestrian crosswalks in school zones. In 2018, the Aksu Akimat installed two heat pump units to heat groundwater for a petting zoo facility and the Aksu Children's Bio- Vegetarian EkoCenter, SE. Galitskoye, LLP in the Uspensky District has purchased two German- built wind power plants - the NEGMicon 1000/60 – each with a capacity of 1 MW. KSP Steel, LLP is working on the introduction of a GSHP-130 heat pump unit to replace two electric boilers for domestic hot water use. The heat pump operates through the recirculation of the cooling system water from its pipe rolling production unit. In the Zhelezinsky district, 98 solar powered streetlight units have been installed. The region has several large industries that continuously emit significant levels of pollutant into the atmosphere. To address this, modern air monitoring equipment is being installed. In 2019, an Action Plan was developed to improve the overall environmental situation in the oblast over a five-year period by reducing emissions by 3,000 tons per year. In addition, new legislation is being worked out which will expand the listing of sanctioned pollutants, increase fixed costs and fines for polluters, and allow for unannounced plant inspections. · to accelerate the development of landfill construction projects for small (population under 5,000), medium (population 5,000- 10,000) and large (population 10,000 – 50,000) settlements. · to simplify the procedure for registration of existing landfills in urban areas; Household waste landfills located in rural areas are non-compliant with environmental requirements. There are currently 336 rural landfills of household waste in the oblast which do not qualify as landfills but current legislation does not distinguish between urban and rural domestic waste landfills. To address the issue, the oblast Akimat has forwarded a proposal to the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Around six billion tons of industrial waste have been accumulated in the region of which 90% is mining and coal industrial overburden. 10% is thermal power and metallurgical industry waste. Waste storage presents the oblast with a serious problem. To address it, the Center for Ecological Technology Competence was founded. In 2019, the Center worked out a concept for the industrial development in Aksu that envisions establishing a cluster of cluster of small and medium- sized enterprises for the processing of ash and slag—the principal waste product of energy companies. A chemical solvent, Denite, was tested as a solution for cleaning up mercury spills. Tests showed that the Denite alters mercury compounds from active to bound structures, establishing that soil decontamination is possible without the requirement of extracting the mercury. In 2019, 300 soil, air, surface water, groundwater, and biological samples were taken for further assessment. Tests revealed no exceedances of mercury concentrations. Also in 2019, cost estimates were drawn up and forwarded for expert analysis for the “Construction of an anti-filtration barrier of 20m depth on the west side of the rope from discontinued Pump #6 to the Bylkyldak Storage pond” project. The Khimprom chemical plant and the Bylkyldak wastewater storage zone are contaminated mercury. To address the issue, clean-up work and the construction of an anti-filtration barrier 3.5 km in length was carried out in 2002-2004. In addition, the “Mercury Monitoring Program for the Pavlodar Northern Industrial Zone 2005-2020” was implemented for the assessment of six locations of mercury contamination. In 2017, the program was extended through 2025. Water treated at wastewater treatment facilities is diverted to Lake Karamyrza which converges with the Yertis River only during spring floods. The discharged water meets all environmental standards for quality. Environmental safeguards cost to business enterprises ( ) billions of Tenge Air Water L and resources Biodiversity Waste Renewable energy sources Radiation Environmental issues
This interactive report was created by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of the European Commission, the United Nations Environment Programme, and Zoï Environment Network.