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Energy Electricity - Consumption and Generation - Kazakhstan - 2013-2019, billions of kWh 2013 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 year 2019 Yield Consumption The bulk of the nation's electricity is generated by power plants burning fossil fuels. 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 89,3 91,6 90,8 92,3 97,8 103,2 105,2 91,9 93,9 90,8 94,1 102,3 106,8 106 Kazakhstan currently meets its entire domestic energy demand and has no need to import resources. Power Plant Fuel Consumption - 2013–2019 2013 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Fuel oil, thousand tons Coal, million tons 60,4 62,1 61,9 59,6 61,4 55,9 63,9 386,2 391,8 442,9 445,2 242,8 210 244,2 5 509,2 5 779,0 5 649,0 5 791,7 5 872,8 5 957,2 4 858,1 In 2019, a record high of 90.5 million tons of domestic oil were produced, surpassing the previous record of 90.4 million tons produced in 2018. Tengiz Kashagan Karachaganak 30 20 10 0 Field Petroleum , M tons 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 28,6 29,8 13,2 14,1 12,2 11,3 Of the oil produced in 2019, exports exceeded 72 million tons and more than 17 million tons were processed at refineries in Kazakhstan. Refined oil production in 2018 was 4.4% less than in 2019. Primary oil refineries in Kazakhstan and their respective volumes of refined petroleum - 2019 In comparison with 2018, the total 2019 production of jet fuel, diesel fuel, gasoline, and fuel oil increased by 9.5%. The petroleum industry provides bitumen for the domestic market. To supply polypropylene, a designated production complex is under construction with its launch scheduled for 2021. Additional plans foresee the 2026 launch of a polyethylene production facility with an annual capacity of 1.3 million tons. Pavlodar Petrochemical Plant LLP Petrokazakhstan Oil Products LLP Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP JSC Condensate JV Caspi Bitum LLP tons tons tons tons tons 5 200 000 5 400 000 5 300 000 151 200 885 900 2019 saw an increase in natural gas production over the previous year. Over the two-year period of 2018-2019, more than six million tons of liquefied natural gas were produced in Kazakhstan. Uranium mining in Kazakhstan - 2016–2019 Gas production volume Commercial gas production Commercial gas consumption Commercial gas exports International transit of commercial gas The flaring of associated gas related to hydrocarbon exploration and production remains a significant source of pollution. To achieve a reduction in the volume of flared gas output producers must engage in the following: the development of associated gas utilization programs; the use of associated gas for electricity generation; gas reinjection to increase reservoir pressure aiding related technological requirements. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 3,1 2,7 1,8 1,7 1,3 1,2 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,9 1 1 В Казахстане сосредоточено 14% мировых запасов природного урана, в 2009 году страна вышла на первое место в мире по его добыче. Атомная промышленность представлена предприятиями АО «НАК “Казатомпром”», которые добывают 100% урана в Казахстане. In recent years, the uranium market has seen an oversupply, resulting in price reductions. The effect is to stimulate both the mining and continued sale of uranium-related products. Since 2014, TsOU CJSC, a Kazakh-Russian enterprise, has made Russian uranium enrichment processes available to Kazakhstan. In 2017, it was decided to construct a nuclear fuel production plant which would be ready to commence operations in 2020. 25 20 15 10 0 year Thousand Tons 2016 2017 2018 2019 24,7 23,4 21,6 22,7 Air-borne pollutants may be reduced by the process of gasification. From 2017-2019, gasification grew by 4.5%, currently covering more than half of the total population of Kazakhstan. % of Population by Region Utilizing Gasification Region 2018 2019 Mangystau Atyrau Almaty city West Kazakhstan Aktobe Kyzylorda Turkestan Shymkent Zhambyl Kostanayskaya Almaty East Kazakhstan Total by country 99 98,4 98,2 95,5 88,5 64,2 54,7 92 75,3 55,2 39,2 0,7 49,6 99 99,6 98,8 96,2 90,1 64,5 58,3 92,1 88,6 56 39,4 1,2 51,5